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Picking your 'Shot Spot'

Before the start of any photo shoot, one has to first plan his or her trip. This is often one of the more difficult aspects of photography that is generally always overlooked. While there are few limits to where you can shoot photos, this blog post will be more focused on getting the best spot you can. Before starting an adventure, one should always have an idea of what they want to photograph. This base idea doesn't have to be an exact angle per say, but more of a ‘rough draft’ of what you want to capture. For instance, let's make our destination the Golden Gate Bridge. One should plan where they should set up our camera to get the best shot we can. The first decision should be based on what angle we are looking for, more of a wide shot with the city skyline in the background, or more of an upclose, long exposure shot to truly see the color of the bridge. For this post, let's go with a wide shot that captures the entirety of the bridge. Next, let's open up Google Maps for a high quality map that showcases areas you can get to. Thanks to apps like this, we are able to look at 3D images of the landscapes we will be encountering. If we are looking for a good place to take a full view photo of the bridge, we have a few options that also require a little pre thought. We can venture up the coast and set up shop at Baker Beach for a low angle that also captures the ocean, or head across the bridge to Battery Spencer for an aerial view of the bridge with the cityscape in the background. To keep it simple, one can post up at the Wave Organ pier and take a classic showcase picture of the bridge. Each area presents its own set of problems. Make sure you have an outdoor tripod for Baker Beach, as you will probably be in some sand, and make sure you have your hiking boots if you scale the hill to Battery Spencer, and never forget a windbreaker when you're on the pier. Now that you have a spot and photo in mind, you’re able to set your course. Using Waze when traveling to the city is a great way to cut down on some traffic times.You should always review a few things before you head out to your desired destination Make sure your camera battery is fully charged and you have all your desired lenses. Next, double check to see if you have your tripods, lens wipes, and some headphones to listen to your favorite music. Now you are ready for a successful photoshoot. As you can see, there are a ton of minor details that one has to consider when planning their trip. You should always do a quick check of all these things mentioned before heading out, as it could save you a lot of time.

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